The Point?

Image via Totino's
Oh my goodness...I know it may seem that I might be a bit fixated on advertising lately, but I'm not...although isn't that supposed to be the point?  There are a number of Totino's "Kids In America" commercials - a few that I have even liked.  There is one in particular, however, that elicits an extreme response every time it comes on and it has been airing rather frequently. But then, repetition is supposed to get me to buy the product.  No?  Isn't that supposed to be the point?  That's not the response it elicits in me.  It's not the frequency of the airings, but rather the actual ad that really grates my nerves. It is the one that Totino's calls "Music".  I don't know what to make of this ad.  I think I understand the basic concept, but they couldn't find a better way to execute it?  Within the ad, the repetition of the message comes across simply as "noise" reminding me that I have 16 seconds to go to the bathroom and get a drink before my show starts again.  I don't think that was the point.

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mike said...

i've never seen this ad, but I agree. i hear certain ads on the radio all the time.. sometimes they play the same ad twice in a row even.

if it is an ad that gets on my nerves, then repeating it over and over does mot help the cause. it makes me turn the station.

Boschii said...

Hi Mike,

Thanks for your comment. If the commercial weren't so annoying I would invite you to view it. There is a link to the ad in the post.

I love to eat...and I'm not encouraged to buy Totino'