The Tao of Tabatha

Tabatha Coffey
Don't call her "sweetheart" unless you're aimin' for a trainin' in business etiquette. Tabatha Coffey means business and whether it is a beauty salon, a car dealership or even a 99cent store, she could whip any business into shape.

I was semi-swept up into the Coffey universe, ironically enough, because I happened to catch the season 1 episode of Shear Genius from which she was kicked off in 2007. I had not seen any of the earlier episodes nor had I watched any after this one episode, but I was impressed by Tabatha's comments about her teammate Tyson and their subsequent elimination from the competition due to "poor teamwork".  The irony of her lose was that she was a fan favorite. In 2008 she was approached to host Tabatha's Salon Takeover on Bravo.

I didn't watch Takeover right away either.  In fact I got hooked during an all-day Saturday marathon of reruns, so I was getting more than a favorable "fix" of Coffey. What is so incredibly awesome about this show is that Coffey consistently demonstrates key qualities for how ALL businesses should be run. There are 4 pervasive themes running throughout each "takeover" - Accountability, Leadership, Precedent and Team Work. Coffey addresses the problems of these themes in a very stern and precise manner because, unlike many of the owners, she knows and understands the consequences of not precisely managing one's business.

Coffey forces the salon owners and staff to reflect on how the breakdown in these key areas has brought them to their current situation. It is clearly not an easy road as many of the owners, and even some of the staff, are resistant to Coffey. She forges through, often with an assertiveness that has earned her the title of B.I.T.C.H. Coffey embraces this title because she decided that being "Brave, Intelligent, Tenacious, Creative and Honest" was not a bad thing. But if you think that she is all fire & brimstone, think again. Contrary to the most obvious aspects of her personae, she wields her business might with a patience and compassion that sometimes feels right out of left field. For Coffey, it is all about doing the right things, maintaining balance and sustaining the business...and getting the stakeholders to understand that too.