It's The Little Things

A few of the crayons in the first version of t...Image via Wikipedia
I have been under the weather the last week and a half, recuperating from some surgery and stuff.  In the last day I was finally able to sit up comfortably and do some stuff.  I had mentioned to my husband awhile back, that I wanted to buy a coloring book and crayons because I have just felt like coloring...but we never bought it.

Yesterday, I was able to go out with my husband and while we were in the drug store, I wondered into the children's section.  There were the coloring books and crayons.  The first thing that caught my eye were some very large coloring books which immediately excited me however, the ones I saw had cartoon characters I couldn't really relate to.

As I sifted further down into the pile, I found one. It was a Crayola Giant Pages - Tinkerbell and the Great Fairy Rescue. YEAH! I had found my coloring book.  Now I needed crayons.  I took note that the pages of the coloring book were smoother than I ever remembered my coloring books, which makes me quite happy because not only do I prefer the feel of it, but it also broadens my options for coloring utensils.  I intended to buy Crayola Crayons and not to go low-budget, I fully expected to find the 64 count with the sharpener - because I am one of those "compulsive" sharpeners because I always need a point...or at least I thought.

I could only find the smaller 32 count boxes and was getting a bit disappointed.  I contemplated colored pencils - which I also enjoy - and markers.  The markers they had available didn't have enough variety in colors for my satisfaction so now I was down to pencils or crayons.  When I asked my husband what he thought he said, "you wanted the crayons so you should get the crayons".  Just then I looked down on a lower shelf and found 2 rogue boxes of 64 count with the sharpener - YEAH CRAYOLA!

The minute I got home, I settled down with my "book" and started was so much fun.  And it actually turned out not to be a book but rather individual pages which I LOVED!  The only challenge now..keeping the crayons away from the hungry pack of mutts that sit and watch me color.
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Anonymous said...

Girl, I hear ya. Sometimes there's nothing better in the whole wide world than to sit down with your crayons and color.

This post actually brought back a not-so-distant happy memory.

Long story short, I found out one of my adult art students who lives with a disability is practicing advanced shapes and creating his own pictures while waiting for his ride home from work. Yay art!!!

Boschii said...

Thank you for your thoughtful comments. I couldn't imagine that coloring would be such a therapeutic activity. Now I can't stop : )

That is awesome about your student...very inspiring.

Crystal M. Canole said...

I love coloring:)

Evelyn said...

I have been an avid colorer for years. Nothing keeps u young or heals the soul like getting out your crayons, so let the Coloring begin!

Diane said...

Coloring I love it. Back in conservatory at the end of the school year it was our tradition to buy coloring books and a new box of crayons during final exams. We would stretch out on the floor of the student lounge and color away our stress. Who has the red-orange?.....