Are You A Linguaphile?

Max Headroom print ad from
Max Headroom print ad from "Catch the Wave."
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I am!  I love words and I love playing with words.  I grew up with two extremely literate parents.  My favorite class, when I was in high school, was vocabulary.  At the time, I thought it was because of the teacher.  This was during the 80's, I LOVED Max Headroom and the teacher reminded me of  But the reality is that I actually loved the words.  I am reminded of this every time I hear a word that I learned in that high school class because I remember that is exactly where I learned it.  So naturally, I gravitated towards the A.Word.A.Day by

Now, if you consider yourself a writer, especially of a blog, you better read on. Yesterday's word is particularly relevant to you because I believe it is something that most bloggers, including myself, are guilty of.  It's a true fact that we are given to using pleonasms from time to time.  Not only is the word itself important, but all of the factoids that come along with it.  So " don't say the 'p' word" and just read on!
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Laine D. said...

Super article - I'd definitely be considered on Linguaphile too! I love words, their origins, the texture they bring but between a slightly richer than average vocabulary and my accent I am frequently treated to the blank look and "huh!"

As for your passion for Max Headroom.., not quite sure what to say Rachel :D

Laine D.
Aspire to Inspire

Boschii said...

LOL....What can I say? I was 14 years old...I was "in love"...ROFLMAO.

Thanks for your comments!

Anonymous said...

Great word, linguaphile. I am a bit though am sure I am not on your level. =) Thanks for the link to Word a Day.

Paul said...

Wonderful. "Pleonasm", another thing for me to watch for as I write. At this rate I'm going to be afraid to touch the keyboard;)

Rosanne Dingli said...

Oh - in my work as line editor for firms seeking copywriting employees, I encounter so many pleonasms it's not funny.

I did not call them that until today - tautology was more my idea of what the over-zealous error could be called, but what's in a name?

My most recent encounter: tardy latecomer.

Boschii said...

Hey Paul,

I know how you obsess over all the things you need to watch for when you are writing...sorry to add to the feel you pain though...I am definitely guilty of being a

Boschii said...


Thank you for your comments and the "new" word....can't wait to use tautology...

tardy latecomer is awesome....can't stand those....LOL...although I guess I am a tardy latecomer in responding to your bad! But thank you!